Wednesday, 13 July 2011

MISI to Sandakan...How we begin~

Ok...hi friends!!How are you??Fine..Good!!Okay, I arrived to Perlis 3 days ago but need a huge rest to write this post..hehe..Fuh...I was so tired but little bit excited to describe to all of my readers how wonderful and amazing the journey that I've went through, a week ago...

Before we went to LCCT, there was a briefing given by Brother Ajis,the Program Manager for this program, Brother Airul,the Program Coordinator and Brother Fazli, the Head for Module for our EHC program..
Then, at 12 midnight, we went to Tangga Besar, waiting for the bus..Tangga Besar is the most popular place for IIUM students before they start their journey because it's a centre where everyone can gather around..hehe

Orait...bus is coming..Let's go!
Bye2 IIUM...see u again!!

Almost 1 a.m, at LCCT
Sleeping time but we were still walking
Find the Food Court nearby..

Cari tempat yang paling hujung sekali untuk tidoq..Try to fight with my fever...sejuknyaaa..
3.33 a.m.....Keseorangan, kesejukan dan keletihan yang amat sangat...Semalam di Perlis,harini di KL dan esok di KK..

Gathered again to keep the luggage and everything...

My new friends, Kak Mesyi dan Kak Nisa..Hi..I am Jannah..hehe
Get the boarding pass...HUHU..My seat is 18E..E is located in the middle..At first, I was not really lucky to seat near to the window..huhuhu..Never mind..Takda rezeki kali ni...

Beratoq2...tunggu depa habes dulu baru kami jalan..
yeah!!! KK sudah semakin hampir..hehe
My new friends, Azia and Iza..
Air Asia,everyone can fly.....hehehe
Find my seat...

I was sitting beside Kak Nisa...Ni ialah pengalaman kali pertama dia menaiki kapal terbang..I was so excited to see her expression during we take off and landing..hehe..Seronokkan bila kita dapat jadik sebahagian daripada pengalaman pertama orang lain..Lagi seronok bila kita tgk raut wajahnya yang penuh dengan keterujaan dan penghargaan terhadap apa yang dia rasa..Kak Nisa looks very happy,excited and full of curious...That's why i'm happy when i know that she got to sit near to the window..SHE DESERVED IT.." 

"Kak..bila kita nak take off nanti,kena makan gula-gula tau kak..takpun telan ayaq liuq banyak2, nanti telinga kita jadi bengang"..i told to her every 5 minutes before we take off..kehkehkeh..Saat2 yang ditunggu-tunggu oleh aku jugak...seronok gila bila plane ni dah laju....rasa macam tengah race kat Sepang..hehe

Bye2 KL,Bye2 Putrajaya, Bye Perlis..Bye2 Semua~
Begitula awan nano,nano,nano,nano,nano,nano.nano,nano,nano,nano,nanoooooooooo..ooooo..hehe

 Sayap...Bolehkah kita terbang tanpa sayap...

Watching people who flying with different purposes but same destination..
Happy to see her first moment.............After that...I......Zzzzzzzzzzzzzz..

Next entry~ First step in KK and Sandakan


ajie said...

bestnyeeee.... :)

Jannah said...
